"Sketch for a Short Film in Black and White"
HDV Video, 7, 27 min. 2008
"Something about Wapke - Circumstances and Incidents in the Life of a Dutch Artist"
Mini-DV, 27:30 min. 2006
Single channel video projection installation.
Sound composition: Paul Devens
Single channel video projection installation.
Sound composition: Paul Devens

- This is a “portrait” of Wapke Feenstra. She is a visual artist and writer that lives in Rotterdam in The Netherlands. The video deals with identity, history, art and its stereotypes based on my interpretation, related events and stories from Feenstras life and work.
Language: English, Dutch, German. English subtitles
Participants: Wapke Feenstra, Eerde Feenstra, Elisabeth Feenstra-De Groot, Maaike Feenstra, Arie van Dam, Lysbeth van Dam, Aris Eerde van Dam, Eva van Dam, Lyudmila Petrova, Tom van Gesten, Jeanne van Heeswijk and more
Wapke Feenstra
Paul Devens
Below you see installation view from Gallery Ram, Oslo
"Borders of Paradise, - from Shades of Blue, to Black, White, Pink or Purple"
During our stay of research in Liverpool in the autumn of 2005 we were struck by the contrast between the areas of the city which are the centre of great visions and regeneration, and the areas that apparently are left to decay. We saw this in the development of The Paradise Project – a regeneration project covering 42 acres in the heart of the city – opposed to areas like Toxteth that have been suffering from poverty and urban degradation. Collaboration with visual artist Leif Gaute Staurland
Mini-DV, 23 min. © Anne Lise Stenseth & Leif Gaute Staurland, 2006
Single channel video projection installation
Language: English, Swedish. English with Norwegian subtitles
Participants: Ian Brownbill, Laurence Westgaph, Cecilia Andersson, Richard Jones, Jamshed Alam, Cindy Downing,
Charles Jones and more.
Music: Kuljit Bhamra & Shan Chana
Mini-DV, 23 min. © Anne Lise Stenseth & Leif Gaute Staurland, 2006
Single channel video projection installation
Language: English, Swedish. English with Norwegian subtitles
Participants: Ian Brownbill, Laurence Westgaph, Cecilia Andersson, Richard Jones, Jamshed Alam, Cindy Downing,
Charles Jones and more.
Music: Kuljit Bhamra & Shan Chana
© Anne Lise Stenseth 2009