Ljoske / La lueur / Gleam of Light
Ljoske / La lueur / Gleam of Light, HD video, 19 min, 2015 The film Ljoske/Gleam Of Light consists of sequences filmed in the welding hall in the shipyard in Florø, Norway. It is a story about a man that has come to a new country to work because there is no work in his native country. We follow the life and work in the shipyard, as well as his alienation, longing and solitude. Left: Filmstill. Link to Vimeo |
Installation view at Replanted Identity, Le Garage, Saint Nazaire, France, 2015, Photo: Ideal Lab
Installation view at Replanted Identity, Le Garage, Saint Nazaire, France, 2015, Photo: Ideal Lab
Ljoske / La lueur / Gleam of Light. Installation view at Kraft Bergen, 2016
Ljoske / La lueur / Gleam of Light, 19 min, 2015
Farge, lyd (stereo) Fransk og engelsk teksting Bakgrunn: Filmen “Ljoske” er eit resultat av eit opphald i Florø hausten 2014. Arbeidet er utvikla etter deltaking på ein workshop i prosjektet ”Replanted Identity” og fleire besøk på skipsverftet Westcon i Florø. Det var gjevande for meg som kunstnar å reflektere over dei endringane som har gått føre seg i Florø sidan eg gjekk på ungdomsskulen og handelsskulen der på slutten av 70-talet. Arbeidet: Biletmaterialet til filmen “Ljoske” er filma inne på områda inni og utanfor produksjonshallane på skipsverftet og er dokumentarisme-studiar av folk i arbeid og omgjevnader. Som på dei fleste skipsverft arbeider det i dag folk frå ei rekke land og arbeidsstokken er ein kombinasjon av faste tilsette og ulike firma og arbeidarar som er leiga inn for kortare periodar, såkalla ”subcontractors”. Det visuelle materialet er sett saman med ei mannleg forteljarstemme. Arbeidaren har kome til eit nytt land av mangel på arbeid i heimlandet. Vi fyl liv og arbeid på verftet og får innblikk i arbeidaren med oppnamnet ”Rotvelta” si framandkjensle, lengt og einsemd, men og venskap, og korleis rørslene i dagens arbeidsmarknad kan virka inn på enkeltindividet. Medverkande: Arbeidarar i produksjonshallen på Westcon i Florø, Norge Stemme: Kyrre Ottersen Eikås Lydopptak: Robert Tomkiewicz Tekst: Anne-Lise Stenseth Kamera & redigering: Anne-Lise Stenseth Tekstkonsulent: Anne Oterholm Omsetjing: Yvonne Robberstad Breen Takk til: Ralston & Bau Arild Hartmann Eriksen Sogn og Fjordane Teater ”Ljoske” reiser med prosjektet “Replanted Identity” initiert av Ralston & Bau til St. Etienne, Saint Nassaire og Paris i Frankrike i 2015 og ei rekke visnings-stader i Norge 2016. • For me as an artist and a former inhabitant on the outskirts of the town Florø, I thought it was interesting to have this possibility within the frame of the project “Replanted Identity” to meet people, make a new work and reflect on the contemporary conditions of the place and observe the changes that has taken place since I was going to high school there in the 70ies. My contribution to the project is a short film informed and inspired by people we met, and circumstances and activities at the Westcon shipyard in Flørø. Like in most shipyards the people who work there come from different countries and the workers are a mixture of permanent employees and temporary workers. The film “Ljoske/Gleam Of Light” consists of sequences filmed in the welding hall in the shipyard in Flørø in combination with a short story interpreted by Kyrre Eikås Ottersen from Sogn og Fjordane Theater. It is a story about a man that has come to a new country to work because there is no work in his native country. We follow the life and work in the shipyard, as well as his alienation, longing and solitude. • Excerpt from the filmtext : “[…] Every time I lowered the visor and lifted the tools I needed to weld, I was in my own world. But I knew that the other guys on the scaffold and on the ground were connected to the same chain, to the oxygen. We were ourselves and all the others simultaneously. We were part of a silent world where communication happened by light, movement and sound. This was where we lived and breathed most of the day. That was how it felt, anyway. Slowly I became part of the machinery. I was necessary for the machinery to work. The machinery was necessary for me to work. It was my meaning, the meaning of me. I didn't feel like going home anymore. Or going out. I just wanted to stay here, connected. […]” • « […] À chaque fois que je baissais la visière de mon masque et soulevais les outils dont j'avais besoin pour la soudure, j'étais dans mon monde. Mais je savais que les autres gars sur l'échafaudage et par terre étaient connectés à la même chaîne, à l'oxygène. Nous étions nous même et les autres simultanément. Nous faisions partie d'un monde sans paroles où la communication se faisait par lumière, gestes et sons. C'est là que nous vivions et respirions la majeure partie de la journée. C'est comme cela que je le ressentais, en tout cas. Petit à petit je devenais partie intégrante de la machinerie. J'étais nécessaire à son fonctionnement. Elle était nécessaire au mien. C'était mon sens, ma raison d'être. Je n'éprouvais plus le besoin de rentrer chez moi à la fin de la journée, je restais volontiers. Le studio ne m'attirait pas. Les sorties non plus. Tout ce que je voulais, c'était de rester là, connecté. […] » |
1-2, Ljoske / La lueur / Gleam of Light. Filmstill